Previously On How I Met Justin Bieber: You find a letter that you dropped once you took the dress out to hang inside your closet and your heart brightens up...and think about how Justin means alot to you and how you guys maybe someday grow up and have gray hair..haha...Let's continue?... You: Thinks To Self: Watching our kids grow up and go to college and still sharing that same exact love we have for each till now. Till Tomorrow I shall see... You:(Go over towards your closet and stuff the letter into a secret open space all the way at the left corner inside a little box and then walk over to Jake's crib and see him soundly asleep sucking on his pacifier and quietly sleeping) -Yawn- *Turn of the light and head into your bed , pulling up your sheets and resting your head gently onto your pillow..closing your eyes) "" (Next Morning : The Date) Jenniffer:(Opens up your Curtains) You:"10 more minutes." Jenniffer:"Honey, you need to get up for your sleepover, come on rise and shine sweetie." You:(Jump off your bed remembering your date with Justin) Jenniffer:"Well that was quick." (smiles and picks up Jake in her arms and heads downstairs) You:(Enter your bathroom and look into the mirror) Thinks To Self: Can I look any more horibble...-let out a laugh at how weird your hair is looking and your face- (Turn on the sink's water and start rinsing your face) -Grab a towel and slowly pat dry your face then grab your blue toothbrush along with your Colgate toothpaste and ...
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